Monday, June 7, 2021

Are You Sure My Other Barrette Went Under This Tree?

Do I really need to mention just how cute she is with that adorable expression? I don't think so, but if she is actually missin' another barrette, I think I would have died from cuteness! And her cuteness matched with her other attributes makes me very excited for the fantasies I could share with her because I know she'd be down to explore them with me...she's just so darn cute!

And look at that field! How beautiful...comfortable...and warm it looks! It reminds me of a time when I was up in one of those cold states (which I don't know how people live in them, I mean, seriously, you don't get sun for like three months out of the year, sometimes more? How could anyone survive that?) and it was early spring and the weather was just startin' to warm up. The guy I was with had a rather large back yard, but it wasn't anything massive, but it was big enough to have a pretty dense forest in the background with a few other trees growin' on their own, and we had just woken up and were havin' coffee on his back porch. It was still chilly, but in the sun, you felt as if you could take the sweatshirt off and bask in the warmth...and the! It just smelled so fresh. I hope the little cutie in this pic experienced somethin' similar to what I did that was truly spiritual. 

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